
This blog is taking over from the forum I ran as I hope it will be a lot more user friendly (and hardly anyone posted anything on it).

As previously stated, I hope to gather all the varied and diverse information regarding the stock markets, shares and corporation of Eve-Online into this one spot.


Having run this site for nearly four months, I have decided to make some major changes as explained below.

The biggest, and most noticeable of these is the end of rapid posting of dividend information, news and other matters relating to corporations that have not donated to ESMaR or ESMAn. This does not mean that I will not be posting all corporations dividend payments as all corporations dividends paid will still be posted, but only in the end of month review.

The second is the donations are now requested rather than voluntary, so it is more like a fee, but compared to the work I do, and as it is until either the corporation closes, or ESMaR does, makes it seem more like a donation rather than a fee for services. As stated above, only those who have donated will receive rapid posting of items relating to their corporation, and they will receive extra benefits too.

From this date, 27th April 2007, these changes are in effect. The previous entries will remain so that people can see the level of service I previously provided, and the minimum of what you would receive if you donate. If you have previously donated and are not happy with these changes, please contact me in-game. If you have not previously donated, and would like to, again please contact me in-game, especially before sending shares.